Andrew Brown फिल्म की सूची

I made my theatrical debut at the age of four in the now infamous Brown Family Living Room. I directed a cast consisting of my twin brother and our ensemble of stuff animals. We put on a wide variety of shows from the Three Little Pigs, to Goldilocks and the Three Bears. From that moment on, I was hooked. For over a decade now, I have been involved in various independent films as well as community, regional, and repertory theater. I've had the privilege of taking on classic roles like Tom Joad in The Grapes of Wrath and Damis in Tartuffe. I've also had the opportunity work with new authors and have the honor to be cast in original works. In 2012, I was exposed to behind the camera work when I directed my first film. While the film itself served best as a learning experience, I found great joy in the production process. Since then, I have written, directed, and produced multiple television commercials and short films. Having an insight on the production experience has certainly made me a better on-set communicator and actor. Outside of film and theater, a have a degree in Anthropology and Public Health from UCLA and my heart is dedicated to working with nonprofits. Helping responsible nonprofit organizations achieve their marketing and fundraising goals in order to better serve their populations is an incredibly rewarding experience. One often wears many hats in the nonprofit sector, and I am no exception; I have taught overdoes prevention classes, assisted in grant writing, produced promotional videos, made sandwiches, emceed events, and even served as an auctioneer! I have had the honor of working with organizations like Homeless Heath Care Los Angeles, PATH, Community Hospice, Ride for Mom, First Star, Monday Night Mission and more. Reach out and let's create something wonderful together.